Firstly here is H.

The little sister, who's taller than her older sister L. Likes to stay behind the camera, but will be playing roles such as the White queen in our future spoofs

 And here is L. The director and fundamentally crazy actress who has played characters from Captain Jack Sparrow and soon the red queen.

She gets the job done, even if she is bossy and scary at times we love her for the ideas she brings to the group.

L, is going on into further education to study Film and Interactive media at college.

Music Supervisor 

James is the amazing lead guitarist from the awesome rock band 'The Method'.

He knows music , he even lives and breathes it .

 Music Designer

Ben Butterworth is the guy behind the amazing future soundtrack of our spoofs and parodies.

 He creates the amazing music himself and is definitely someone to look out for.

And of course all the new members we have in a recent production.

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