Alice In Wonderland

The cast and crew of HLKitchenProductions present to you... Alice In Wonderland with a musical twist.

The song Bohemian Rhapsody will be the main song throughout the production, featuring the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter belting out the lines from the famous song, your toes will never stop tapping to the beats of Wonderland.

 Lord Of The Rings

The Ring! A sacred artifact which was bestowed to a little Hobbit called Frodo..

Setting off into the large woodland with their friends, Aragorn, Gimli and The Leggy Lass, Oh sorry I mean Legolas. They embark to Mordor to destroy the One Ring which will have them and you questioning what really goes on in Middle-Earth.

Although they'll never get there if Frodo can't stop fainting.

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